
  • Animal Feed Made from Maggots Might Save the World

    Most factory farm animals are raised on soy and fishmeal, but a UK outfit is trying to change that with a sustainable and easy-growing source of protein: maggots.

  • How American Cricket Farmers Raise Bugs for Us to Eat

    If Westerners begin to eat insects alongside chicken and beef, will bug farms be held to the same standards as sustainably grown animals? I spoke to one Ohio-based cricket farmer to figure out how he's raising noisy creatures for human consumption.

  • This GMO Scientist Plays God with Your Corn

    No matter what side of the line you stand on, GMOs are deeply rooted in the average American diet. To put a human face on genetic modification, we tracked down a biotechnologist who is currently working for an undisclosed biotech firm and spoke to him...