This story is over 5 years old.


Looks Like Martin Shkreli's Twitter Got Hacked

Everyone’s favorite twerp Martin Shkreli has been hacked—at least on Twitter.
Rachel Pick
New York, US
Shkreli being placed in custody. Image: AP/Craig Ruttle

It seems like a malcontent with a mission managed to get into Martin Shkreli's Twitter account and post a number of troll tweets, including the statements "I'm so god damn ugly" and "Giving away WUTANG album RT for a chance to win."

It would be nice if hacking Shkreli didn't have to involve a joke about "anal aids," but the world is a dark and desperate place.

Shkreli probably feels that sentiment acutely, having been indicted on seven counts of fraud on Thursday. The charges are relating to a financial shell game he played with assets from his previous pharma company Retrophin and two failed hedge funds, MSMB Capital and MSMB Healthcare. He was ousted from Retrophin in 2013, and is currently being sued by his former company. Furthermore, he resigned from current company Turing Pharmaceuticals on Friday, no doubt as a result of his collapsing house of cards.

I attended Shkreli's arraignment, and watched Shkreli agree to $5 million bond and promise to stick to certain districts of New York City. Shkreli also agreed to home visits, and had already surrendered his passport to the FBI. Late Friday afternoon, he unexpectedly began livestreaming on YouTube. I told him I'd been at his arraignment the previous day and asked how his mood was. "My mood is good," he said, and did not elaborate further.

I reached out to Shkreli's Twitter account via direct message, hoping to hear from either Shkreli or the hacker, but have received no response.