Free Network Foundation

  • Where Is Occupy’s Free Internet Champion?

    Five years ago, Motherboard released a doc on Occupy Wall Street hacktivists trying to build a distributed, ad hoc mesh network from the ground up. We caught up with one of them.

  • Two Years Later, Where Is Occupy's Internet?

    Catching up with Isaac Wilder, who we first met during the height of Occupy actions as he and a small band of hackers set out to build the people's Internet.

  • On the Irony of Occupying an Occupied Internet

    To those of us who experienced its genesis, the Internet seemed at first to exist apart from an unfortunate status quo; a brave new blueprint for a thriving peer-to-peer society that spurns corporate branding and advertising culture in lieu of actual...

  • 'Free the Network' Trailer

    If it's ever all said and done, Occupy Wall Street will go down as the first fully Internet-fueled social movement in the United States. Occupy's initial success, of course, was in spreading a virtual meme over corporeal reality. But now that the...
