Whenever I need something to drown out noise at the office, I search YouTube for “calming sounds” or “concentration music.” Not today, though. Instead, I’ll be listening to this relaxing nine-hour video created by Mozilla to protest the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) plans to roll back net neutrality protections.
In the video, a slow-speaking, soothing narrator reads a selection of the more than 40,000 pro-net neutrality messages Mozilla has received on its letter to the FCC. While you listen, gaze upon a looping video of everyday sights like chickens hanging out in a yard, or palm trees blowing in the breeze.
Videos by VICE
You’ll also hear “Daniel” a lot, since 15-minutes worth of the video are comments by people who have the name, according to Mozilla.
Towards the very end of the video, at around the eight hour and 52 minute mark, there’s a reference to FCC commissioner Ajit Pai’s giant Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup mug. “Screw your Reese’s mug, support net neutrality,” a commenter named “Potato” says. John Oliver famously referenced the mug on his show in May.
The video is meant to be a spoof on slow television, a genre particularly popular in Norway where really boring events (like a fire burning in a fireplace) are played at length.
The video is part of a broader day of activism set to kick off on Wednesday. During the “Internet-Wide Day of Action to Save Net Neutrality,” Mozilla and other major tech firms like Amazon, Reddit, Facebook, and Google will carry out various acts of protest in support of a free and open internet. Few of these internet giants have said specifically what their protests will be.
If this video isn’t enough for you, Mozilla is also currently hosting what will likely be a very, very long Facebook Live, where Kevin Fann from Mozilla is reading the 40,000 comments they’ve gotten.
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