This story is over 5 years old.


Ones and Zeros 6/8/11: Recognize Your Friends with Algorithms and Tattoos

_A brain in a petri dish has a longer attention span than--oh, look a coronal mass ejection_ h3. ONE: Incredible Solar Blast Video ("NASA": h3. ZERO: Lady Tattoos 152 profile...

A brain in a petri dish has a longer attention span than—oh, look a coronal mass ejection

ONE: Incredible Solar Blast Video (NASA)

ZERO: Lady Tattoos 152 profile pictures of her friends on her arm. Hopefully they’ll never change their profile pictures.

ONE: Artificial Brain with 12 second memory constructed in a petri dish (DisInformation)

ZERO: Al Qaeda terrorists buying guns at US gun shows
(Daily Kos)

ONE: Watson retires from jeopardy and gets a new job diagnosing illnesses (Singularity Hub)

ZERO: Facebook turns on facial recognition algorithm
(PC Mag)

ONE: Astronomy Picture of the Day gives rare view of space shuttle and space station together (Astronomy Picture of the Day)