This story is over 5 years old.


Watch a Christian Spy from Mars Explain Why You Suck at Driving

Is there anything better than 50s animation? Well, yeah, when that animation includes a Martian spy taking Earthling drivers to task for driving like inconsiderate jerks. Sponsored by the General Board of Temperance of The Methodist Church, this 195...

Is there anything better than 50s animation? Well, yeah, when that animation includes a Martian spy taking Earthling drivers to task for driving like inconsiderate jerks. Sponsored by the General Board of Temperance of The Methodist Church, this 1959 PSA features driving tips for a Christian viewpoint: be considerate of thyne fellow drivers, share the road, “reckless driving is a sin,” etc. Because that plot line sounds like a real snoozefest, the video’s producers decided to jazz things up by having it star Rusty, a spy from Mars, that looks something like a microwaved 12" record. Thanks to the Prelinger Archives for making the trippiest driving video I’ve ever seen available to the web.


Follow Derek Mead on Twitter: @derektmead.
