This story is over 5 years old.


Gaze Into This Real-Time Wind Map of the U.S. and Be Healed

"This exceedingly cool and unembeddable (almost) real-time map": of wind movements in the U.S. -- via the brains at -- makes for one of the better visualization experiments in recent memory, and one of the conceptually...

This exceedingly cool and unembeddable (almost) real-time map of wind movements in the U.S. — via the brains at — makes for one of the better visualization experiments in recent memory, and one of the conceptually simplest. The goal behind it is wind energy awareness, with a quick note on the page saying: “An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us — energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future.” That’s great, but I’m also a fan of anything that helps us understand the uncontrollable insanity currently happening on our planet at large scales. I’d love to see one of these for cosmic wind/rays. Also: blood.


Here’s two o’clock this afternoon (March 29).


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