Volume 13 Issue 8

  • Grimewatch

    You should all be happy to know that Scorcher, the finest MC the grime scene has ever produced (in our opinion) has been released from jail and is currently on road working on his debut album.

  • Vice Mail

    I used to be one of the many people who, for no good reason, disliked cops. Then about two months ago I was sodomized at knifepoint a few feet from my front door. I can say now that I have nothing but respect and admiration for the police.

  • The First Annual Story Awards - Ewww!!

    I was 19 and living in a glorified toilet block with two mates-Liam who didn't really live with us but kept his mattress in the lounge and paid rent sometimes, and Big Ben who was the complete opposite: A giant hermit with a surly disposition.

  • The First Annual Story Awards - Chemicals

    I had just lost a job and I had a friend that was dealing ecstasy. I was like, "Fuck, I need to do something," so I got my hustle on with that shit and it started going well. I met one dude and then I met another dude, and so on.

  • Doing Acid With A Disfigured Guy

    Back in High School I was doing acid with my three best friends one of whom was pretty severely disfigured. He was born with a bad hair lip that altered the whole front of his face but when you're pals with someone like that you don't even see it.

  • The First Annual Story Awards - La Familia

    When I was eight years old my mom started getting into coke big time. She went from a little-town shitty job to a big-city executive job for a huge company and I guess it was too much for her.

  • Vice Recommends

    Earlier this month, we had our one day super concert, Tales Of The Jackalope. Alongside The Horrors, who were amazing and insane, Klaxons were our other personal highlight. After the performance, Simon from the band strangely ran away to a tent and...

  • Vice Fashion - Miss South Africa

    Photos by David Yeo, Styling by Saffron Hunt and Eleanor Green.

  • Lifetime Acheivement Award

    Ben Anderson is a guy who the BBC pays to go to the most dangerous places in the world with a video camera.