
  • Power in the Crisis: Kia LaBeija's Radical Art as a 25 Year Old, HIV Positive Woman of Color

    Kia Labeija was born HIV positive to an untested mother. Twenty-six years later, she's thriving as a dancer, visual artist, and advocate for the unseen victims of the ongoing HIV crisis.

  • We Can End the HIV Epidemic, If We Want To

    Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prevents HIV infections in HIV negative people through a continuous daily regimen of Truvada. Truvada is an antiretroviral medication that blocks the enzymes that HIV needs to "infect" a person.

  • Living as a Woman with HIV

    Though we know that HIV can affect anyone, the face of the HIV crisis has often been that of a white, gay man. To show the wider range of individuals dealing with HIV, we sat down with three women who are living their lives HIV positive.
