The Social Network

  • Face Blindness is Alternately Hilarious and Horrifying

    "I sometimes had the experience of apologizing to someone, and realizing it's a mirror." That sounds exactly like a bit of dialogue from a _Blade Runner_, but it's actually a quote from Dr. Oliver Sacks, a renowned neurologist who's made a name for...

  • Here's Your Facebook ID Card

    In my own personal Dantean hellscape there are a couple of circles I'd especially prefer to avoid winding up in. One involves having to eat absolutely every single thing on the planet other than people and animals--of which there are none in this...

  • The Woman Behind China's Occupy Toilet Movement Has Been Canned

    Amid corruption, economic woes, pollution, and calls for political reform, China is ripe for the Occupy movement. Beijing of course "is not sympathetic":

  • Need to Make More Friends? Try Daydreaming

    Remember all those times you've found yourself rudely jarred back to reality after a nice daydream by somebody telling you to "snap out of it" or somebody waving their hand in front of your face like you were some sort of deranged motion detector...

  • The Juggalo Facebook Is Real, it exists. Thankfully, Motherboard's sister site Noisey pretty well has this covered: bq.. Check out some of the amazing ICP-inspired twists: you don’t “like” a post, you “Whoop Whoop!” it. Your “friends” are “homies,” and you...

  • Just Die Already: Users Spend More Time on Myspace Than Google+

    The Goog is boasting that more than 90 million people have signed up for Google+. Those are pretty impressive numbers. I mean, if you had 90 million people at your disposal, you could do anything. You'd rule the Internet. Except there's one little...

  • How to Build an Emotional Internet Without Emoticons

    One day soon we may finally know just how the Internet "feels." Not because of Google Trends or by counting the Twitters -- that’s kid’s stuff. The grown-ups are here, and they’ve brought some science to "deal" with all these “human emotions.” Consider...

  • Stalking the Facebook Profiles of the 17th Century

    Social networking thinkers, particularly social networking detractors, like to talk about the broadcasting of one’s self to an audience of strangers in novel terms. It's important that it's a new, unprecedented thing because it's important to locate it...

  • The Alternate-Reality Facebook That Almost Happened

    Just imagine if Harvard officials hadn't been so worried about things like privacy and transparency.