
  • A Bunch of Undergrads Discovered a Supernova, and You Can See It Too

    See for yourself: the explosion will hit peak brightness in two weeks.

  • How Does It Feel: Supernova

    Last weekend was Supernova, for those who have been under a rock (or a woman), it’s a nerd fantasyland extravaganza at the Melbourne Showgrounds. We set the tone for the day by catching the no. 57 there, which according to my photographer Heather is...

  • Watch a Star Explode From Your Backyard

    Hard to think of a better backyard party theme than "exploding star party," and it just so happens we're in luck. By this weekend a supernova at the edge of the Pinwheel Galaxy, about 21 million light years away, will be "bright enough":http...
