
  • MBTV: JODI Are the Mysterious Pioneers of Net Art

    The brilliantly crazy -- or is it crazily brilliant? -- people behind Jodi have no respect for the Internet. Wait, that's not quite right. They have no respect for the stale, rigid collar corporate mouthpiece that the Internet has become. By...

  • The Key to Solving African Food Crises is Better Farmer Networking

    The most ubiquitous images of Africa usually include a scorched, barren landscape and some insanely thin babies. People starving. No food. And one usually gets the impression that we -- the West -- must swoop in and save the day. "Let us feed those...

  • These Solar Grandmas are the Developing World's Newest Electrical Engineers

    In Jehane Noujaim’s new film _Solar Momas_, she follows Indian philanthropist and businessman Sanjit “Bunker” Roy as he travels to some of the world’s most impoverished villages on a quest to find local grandmothers he can train as solar engineers. He...

  • The Newest Frontier in Cutting-Edge Occupation Tech: The Homing Pigeon

    In the past few months all eyes have been focused on the gadgety and "tech based hacks of occupation":http://motherboard.vice.com/2011/11/29/the-gadgets-of-occupy, but a recent video uploaded by Syrian revolutionaries heralds back to one of the most...

  • Even in the Desert with a Sat Phone, You're Getting Hacked

    These days it's not really a secret that phone companies and other large institutions ("ahem, US government":http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2006/12/can_you_hear_me/) can access your personal information and conversations from your mobile device...

  • The Aspen Movie Map Beat Google Street View by 34 Years

    Imagine a virtual reality mapping environment designed to perfectly replicate a city's streets and buildings. It could be powered by the data from a team of cars driving around with roof-mounted cameras pointing in every direction, whose images can...

  • Bjork's Coder is Joining Her on Tour, But He Isn't Old Enough to Drink Yet

    You may know that Bjork is "a big nerd":http://www.newscientist.com/blogs/culturelab/2011/09/bjork-i-was-always-a-bit-of-a-nerd.html, but you are not yet enough of a Bjork nerd to know that the developer behind some of her gorgeous new "apps":http...

  • A British Bomb Squad Expert is Saving Young Hockey Players' Brains

    "One simple question: Do you want to be rich, famous, demented, and dead at 40?" So asks Dr. Rajendra Kale, of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, of the thousands of young hockey players (football players should include themselves) who risk...

  • MBTV: Sumo Robots

    Disney movies notwithstanding, the most common tale in sports isn't a happy one: The wealthy, winning teams get all the glory while the underdogs languish in obscurity. The story holds true in robotics competitions as well. When it comes to tech...

  • Facebook Is Drowning In a Flood of Jesus Porn

    Facebook has been hacked, hacked by a sultry Jesus. According to "Gawker":http://gawker.com/5859480/facebook-is-drowning-in-a-flood-of-hardcore-porn all kinds of hardcore porn has infiltrated the social networking site. That’s old news. But now, sexy...

  • From The Motherboard Vault: Stelarc

    _Every Thursday, Motherboard goes into its vast archive and selects a video to dust off and play for you. It's a reminder that, while technology has pressed its frantic pace of progression onto us, the past is often ripe with valuable treasures....

  • A Cold War Listening Station Is Now a USB Drive

    Agents of the Dead Drop network recently installed the latest node of their offline peer to peer file-sharing network at the highest point of the Teufelsberg in Berlin, a former U.S. NSA “listening” station that was featured in this documentary. Writes...