
  • Requiem for the HTML Frameset, 1996-2011

    _by "Tobias Leingruber":https://twitter.com/tbx._ HTML, or Hyper Text Markup Language, is the basic code structure that create websites, and it consists of elements called tags. For example "<p>" defines a new paragraph or "<img src=“image...

  • Faded: Life On the Cusp of Obsolescence

    As a civilization speeding headlong into uncharted terrains, we get our kicks staring out the window at all the outmoded stuff going out of focus in our collective rearview. We obsess over the newly obsolete, the antiques of recent history. We...

  • MBTV: Electric Independence: Marching Into the Future With Devo

    Even including the weirdly-accessorized New Wave heyday, was there ever a band as assuredly from the future as Devo? It's doubtful. Between their attire, occasional on-stage antics and endless reel of synth-heavy astro jams, Devo has a loving place in...

  • 1-710-NCS-GETS: Hi, This Is Your Government Calling

    Sometime yesterday afternoon, a colleague of mine, who’s based in Baltimore, had an incoming call from a number he didn’t recognize. Like many of us, Michael didn’t pick up. The area code, 710, looked strange. That’s because it is. Of the roughly...

  • The Capacitor Plague: Like Too Much Bad Acid For Your Motherboard

    …To get back to the "warning that I received":http://www.hark.com/clips/ygmhswwswk-brown-acid-warning. You may take it with however many grains of salt you wish. The brown capacitors that are circulating around us aren’t, specifically, too good. It is...

  • Reimagining Moore's Law As An Energy Consumption Black Hole

    My computer, a decent-enough 2011 Lenovo laptop, sucks up about 20 watts of electricty during average use, about half the amount of electricty as my weak bedside lamp. ENIAC, born in 1946 and considered the first-ever general purpose computer, used...
