
  • My New Roommate Is a Ghost

    When I tried to set up a wifi in my new apartment, an internet service provider's customer service representative said I couldn't, because there was already an existing account in my apartment. I called my super, and he said the previous tenant had...

  • Tao Lin’s Apartment: A Review

    Last October Tao Lin put up a post on Facebook asking if anyone wanted to sublet his studio apartment in Murray Hill while he visited family in Taiwan. I responded and PayPal-ed him the significantly discounted friend rate. I would be staying for...

  • Ever-Changing Apartments of the Future Will Do Everything

    Move over, McMansions. In the not-so-distant future, your studio apartment will also be your gym, your massive dining room, your home office, a yoga studio, house a guest room and function as pretty much any other kind of space you could imagine...
