This story is over 5 years old.

The Writing-Cute-Things... Issue

Epicly Later'd

Hey everyone, here's my page again. A few months ago, I wrote about how I hate dumb skate kids. I read the comments online and people were pretty bummed at what I said, but I have a feeling that the people who were bummed haven't been to a skate park...


By Patrick O’Dell

Active Erica, who every skater has wet

dreams about these days.

Hey everyone, here’s my page again. A few months ago, I wrote about how I hate dumb skate kids. I read the comments online and people were pretty bummed at what I said, but I have a feeling that the people who were bummed haven’t been to a skate park lately. Anyway, I now need all your expert ethical opinions about whether or not I should show or talk about drinking and drugs on my show. It seems like most of my guests fall into two categories: complete drunk asses and reformed complete drunk asses. So I am asking you, loyal commenters, for advice: Do I show the truth and talk about pros getting coked out, smoking crack, shooting heroin, etc. because it’s the truth? Or do I avoid the subject because I don’t want the aforementioned impressionable dumb kids to become junkies? I’ll lurk the comments—feel free to also call me a hipster fag or whatever else as well. I got thick skin these days. Anyway… here are some unrelated photos from Braydon’s shoe-release party that happened in January.

Watch Epicly Later’d on VBS.TV.