Kevin O’Leary’s Instagram Is Pure Gold


This story is over 5 years old.


Kevin O’Leary’s Instagram Is Pure Gold

What a deep dive into the glorious Instagram page of the next possible leader of the Conservative Party can tell us.

Kevin O'Leary loves himself some pictures.

He also loves to put those images online for his adoring fans (Kev-heads?) to see. Selfies, candid shots, buddy photos, they can all be found on K-Money's Instagram. While Conservative partisans tended to foam at the mouth at the selfie tendencies of our current prime minister one can only imagine the identity crisis they would have with a leader like O'Leary.


Well, like it or not, it may be coming. No matter how many hot takes are written about how O'Leary can't win, just as many were written about Trump and that stubby fingered man won the election. The impact of celebrity and name brand recognition can't be overlooked any more.

So, with O'Leary now officially in the leadership race maybe it's time to take a look at what the man posts online. Taking a stroll through O'Leary's Instagram is half staring deeply into the dead soul of capitalism and half watching your goofy uncle fuck about.

First off, young K-Money was downright biblical.

Look at that goddamn beard!

But we're not here to stroll through the memory section of his Instagram page though. Let's fast forward to the current day O'Leary. The swash buckling, beret wearing, medal sporting, jet plane riding son of a gun.

What can those days show us?

Mainly it shows that O'Leary is probably the only Conservative in the running with a sense of humour about himself (e.g. the now famous toilet photo.) You can say a lot about the man and how crazy unqualified he is to run this country but at least he can laugh at himself.

Firstly, buddy loves photoshopping his head onto things and using filters.

The caption for this next photo is "Happy Early Valentine's Day to the first love of my life…MOOONEY!" It certainly brings back memories of that time O'Leary said 3.5 Billion people living in poverty is "fantastic."


Nothing like the smell of class warfare to start the morning off, amirite?

Look, here he is with his head just surrounded by a big pile of money.

Modern day Kevin O'Leary essentially plays the role of a poverty-stricken man who was just granted supreme riches by some sort of magical creature.

"What shall you do with your newfound riches Smokey Kev?"


He's also not ashamed of his long-standing love affair with the United States. There are three flags that appear in K-Money's Instagram page, all American. This actually makes sense as O'Leary lives in Boston which, by chance, happens to not be Canada.

It all comes off as a man who honestly doesn't give a fuck.

In the end, it's this shamelessness and sense of humour that O'Leary's Instagram shows off that may push K-Money all the way to the Prime Minister's Office. More and more these days it seems like the flaunting of overwhelming greed is seen as authenticity.

Going head to head with Trudeau—who permanently sounds like he just won a beauty pageant—O'Leary couldn't help but come off as the more honest of the two. Or, you know, maybe I'm just reading far too into his Instagram page and this whole article was an excuse to post funny pictures of O'Leary.

Either way though folks, welcome to the future, it's K-Money's time to shine.

I mean, look at all this glorious shit.

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