This story is over 5 years old.


The Most Popular Vice Comics Of The Year

To give you something else to absently glance at while your flight gets pushed back again, here are the ten best comics we published this year as determined by the infallible comic-judging metric of Google Analytics.

1. "Who Gives a Shit" by Johnny Ryan (49,274 hits)

Click the panel to read the full comic, smart guy.

2. "Little Jimmy Rickets in 'A Hot New Friend'" by Karl Wills (33,263)

3. "Viperized" by Matt Furie (18,252)


4. "Home Early" by Johnny Ryan (16,849)

5. "The Inner You Tube" by Matthew Thurber (16,701)

6. "Extra Egg Room" by Lisa Hanawalt (14,085)

7. "The New Yorker Story" by Sammy Harkham (13,316)

8. "True Chubbo in Spain Part 2" by Ray & Tomomi Sohn (12,014)

9. Four one-page comics whose titles are too long put here by Ines Estrada (11,921)

10. "Oh Daphny" by Harvey James (10,636)

Thank you comics artists and illustrators for all your hard work and for lightly padding our traffic figures.

Happy xmas,