This story is over 5 years old.


Watch This Guy Get Knocked Off His Motorcycle Through the Eyes of a Ram Cam

This ram is so hot pissed at motorcycles he's just not going to take it anymore.

There are so many good things going on here.

For one, unobtrusively mounting GoPros on animals is always a win. It's hard not to lose yourself, even if momentarily, when you look at the world from the perspective of a non-human living thing. Also, rams are pretty hilarious creatures. Just look at a ram's face. What a funny thing. I cannot help but laugh.

But let's be real: What really makes this thing is the notion that biker dude bit off a bit more than he could chew. Not like he wasn't expecting as much, but malcontent ram managed to do some considerable damage to the guy's bike and gear. And that parting shot? The one with dude peeling away with the ram on his heels all like get the fuck out of here? Street justice.
