
Full Moon in Aquarius, August 1, 2023: The Sturgeon Moon

This year’s full moon in Aquarius is also known as the Sturgeon moon and can help us take a fresh look at things.
illustration of the full moon in aquarius the stur
Collage by Cathryn Virginia | Photos by  Wrangel and Mike Hill via Getty Images

Each month, the sun and the moon stand opposite each other on the zodiac wheel, and this opposition is called the full moon. Full moons are famously periods of emotional release, change, and realization. This month’s full moon in Aquarius takes place on August 1, 2023 is also known as the Sturgeon moon.

What is the Sturgeon Moon?

According to the Farmers’ Almanac, Algonquin tribes fished for sturgeons during August, thus giving August’s full moon that name. It also says August’s full moon is called the Green Corn moon and the Grain moon to mark the start of the harvest season.


What Does the Full Moon in Aquarius Represent?

A full moon in Aquarius can only take place during Leo season: Leo is a passionate fire sign, and the full moon in cool Aquarius helps us take a detached look at whatever we’ve been feverishly excited about! The full moon in Aquarius is like taking a break from a hot, sweaty dance party for a refreshing glass of ice water. It gives you a moment to cool down and think about whether you want to continue dancing or head elsewhere.

The sun in Leo is also quite creative and artistic. During this season, you may have been making art, and during the full moon in community-oriented Aquarius, you might share what you have created for all the world to see! This full moon is very much about the balance between the self and the collective. In our social lives and local communities, we may be figuring out where we fit in, which of our talents are needed, and what sort of work we can do together as a team rather than individually.

What’s Special About This Year’s Full Moon in Aquarius?

This year’s full moon in Aquarius finds the sun in Leo and the moon in Aquarius forming what astrologers call a “t-square” with Jupiter in Taurus. A t-square takes place when two or more planets are in opposition to each other—as they are during a full moon—while making a 90-degree angle to another planet (or, more than one), in this case, Jupiter.


T-squares are all about tension! We may feel like we have to take action but that we are stuck between difficult decisions or circumstances. We may need to step out of our comfort zone or rally for additional resources. 

This t-square is taking place between three planets in what astrologers call “fixed” signs. Fixed signs are zodiac signs that fall in the middle of their respective seasons. Leo falls in the middle of summer, Aquarius in winter, and Taurus in spring. Fixed signs are creative and steadfast, but they can also be stubborn! So one lesson, message, or theme of this full moon could be letting go of the past and confronting the ways we’re resisting change. 

For a t-square to become what astrologers call a grand cross, all four zodiac signs belonging to a modality must be activated. Scorpio, which falls in the middle of autumn, would fill out a grand cross of fixed signs, and it could actually bring us intriguing insights on this t-square. Scorpio may be asking us to embrace the unknown and welcome transformation.

The t-square with Jupiter in Taurus could amplify feelings, and Leo season can bring out the inner drama queen in us all. But the full moon in Aquarius also calls us to chill out and take a detached look at things. The square with Jupiter could inspire an exaggeration in either direction, with over-the-top drama or a vibe that’s more aloof. Jupiter is the planet of expansion but also exaggeration, and full moons are all about finding balance, so there is some contradictory energy in the astrology at this time, calling us to stay even-keeled in the face of big emotions, exaggerated discussions, or a lot of drama.


The Astrology of Corecore

Another thing fixed zodiac signs have in common is their excellent poker face. With Mercury in Virgo opposing Saturn in Pisces during this full moon, communication could be a little more difficult. We may have a harder time reading people, communicating, and getting the answers we need. People may be quick to say “no” instead of exploring options. People may be in a serious mood at this time.

Mars in Virgo trines Jupiter during this full moon, which could bring a big boost in passion. And Venus is retrograde in Leo during this time, which could also inspire meaningful discussions about value, worth, and desire.

As theatrical as Leo season can be, a chill approach to things could take place, as the moon in Aquarius calls for a cool-off and Mercury opposite Saturn invites us to think things through instead of jumping to conclusions or getting carried away by fears and fantasies. 

This article was updated for clarity. It was originally published on August 10, 2022.