This story is over 5 years old.


A Cute Show Appeal: Get Drunk and Save Badgers

Our film about baby badgers is showing at an exhibition to halt the mindless slaughter of innocents.

Last year, we made a [Cute Show about adorable little baby badgers](http:// The world swooned. However, the practice of badger culling continues unabated as soon as any blood-lusty farmer gets the whiff of TB in his nostrils. Love Thy Badger are putting on an exhibition to tell you that baiting, which is still rife in many parts of the countryside, needn't always be the answer. Vaccines and treatment work too, ya know?

They'll be showing our Cute Show featuring baby badgers at the exhibition in an effort to bring a halt to the mindless slaughter of innocents. Come down to Protein on Hewett Street in Shoreditch on Thursday (21st June) around 7PM, to see the film and to support Britain's badger population.