This story is over 5 years old.


Jason Silva's PSAs for the Future

Our friend "Jason Silva": - the futurist media personality, model, death-hater, likely cryonics / cyborg candidate - recently spoke at Lucid NYC with a couple of his recent videos...

Our friend Jason Silva – the futurist media personality, model, death-hater, likely cryonics / cyborg candidate – recently spoke at Lucid NYC with a couple of his recent videos about technology in the future. William Gibson had it right, Jason says, when he claimed that our ancestors will laugh at our distinction between real and virtual. “It’s all real, it’s all natural, it’s all wonderful.” Jason’s hope is to remind you, he says, of “the ubiquitous everyday wonders that we are all culturally conditioned to ignore.” In the age of screen anxiety and information overload, it’s a pretty, refreshing reminder. Try thinking of that thing you’re holding the way Silva does: it’s not a phone – it’s a telepathic hive mind device. See? Much better.
