This story is over 5 years old.


Will Isaac's Wake Leave Another Baby Dolphin Boom?

Following hurricane Katrina, an influx of dolphin calves in the Mississippi Sound has raised brows of curiosity and speculation. So, what could it be? Scientific American listed some possible reasons according to report from the University of Southern...

Following hurricane Katrina, an influx of dolphin calves in the Mississippi Sound raised brows of curiosity and speculation. So, what could it be? Scientific American listed some possible reasons according to report from the University of Southern Mississippi. First, there is an argument that mothers that lose their calves can become reproductively active sooner (no preoccupation of rearing calves.)


However, the research leans more closely toward a massive decline in commercial fishing around the Gulf post-Katrina. Not having to compete with fishing vessels for food, pregnant dolphins could gorge on endless buffets without interruption. Because Isaac will obviously have smaller effects on commercial fishing, and these factors of dolphin reproductivity are still theories, it’s not easy to say whether or not there will be another burst of dolphin populations. But without scientific certainty, one thing will always be true, baby dolphins are really fun to look at: