This story is over 5 years old.


Trump’s Campaign Comments Keep Getting Him Into Legal Trouble

A federal judge in Kentucky has greenlit a lawsuit accusing Trump of inciting violence against protesters at a campaign rally last March.

President Trump doesn't have much of a filter. And his comments on the campaign trail just added another legal challenge to his plate.

A federal judge in Kentucky ruled Friday that a lawsuit accusing Trump of inciting violence against protesters at a campaign rally last March can move forward. Trump's lawyers tried to get the case thrown out by arguing the president's comments were free speech, but in his opinion, the judge noted that the First Amendment doesn't protect incitement to commit violence.

During the March 2016 rally at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville, three anti-Trump protesters — two women and a teenage boy — claim they were shoved and punched after Trump repeatedly directed his supporters from the podium to "get 'em out of here."

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