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Mayor Apologizes for Wanting to Sodomize Justin Trudeau With Pipeline ‘Pig’

Virden, Manitoba Mayor Murray Wright told a Yellow Vest rally that he wanted to duct tape the prime minister onto the front of a pipeline and send a pig up his ass.
Photo via Pixabay and Jason Franson/Canadian Press. 

At the start of the New Year, the mayor of a small town in Manitoba climbed onto the back of a truck, turned to his enraptured audience and described to them how he wished he could sodomize Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with a piece of pipeline equipment.

As reported by the Virden Empire-Advance, Murray Wright, the mayor of Virden, took to a flatbed in front of an about-to-depart convoy of Yellow Vest protests on January 5. When on stage, dressed in a yellow vest of his own, Murray Wright explained his creative technique of exacting revenge on Trudeau for his treatment of the oil and gas industry.


“I know what I’d like to do with Mr. Trudeau but I’d be in jail if I did that,” Wright told the crowd. “[I’d make] sure that the first pig we run through the pipeline when we get it built out west that he’s duct-taped to the front of it with that pig behind his ass when it goes.”

The crowd loved and cheered the comments—the mayor, a few weeks now removed from his speech, has since apologized and was publicly called out by Virden town council.

For those of you who haven’t worked in the patch or lived in the Prairies for any period of time, a pig is a piece of pipeline equipment that will clean (or inspect) the line. The pig is put into the pipeline and is carried throughout, typically by the pressure of whatever is running through the line. These pigs travel at a pretty darn good pace—here’s a gif (from this video) showing a pig shooting out.

So, to unpack these comments: the mayor said he wanted to duct tape Trudeau to the front of the pipe, point his butthole inwards, and just straight up shoot the pig up there.

Who said Canadian politics was boring?

Wright had an approving crowd for his comments. The Yellow Vests are an amalgamation of right-wing protestors who’ve been organizing rallies and rolling convoys for a couple months now. They were inspired by the French protests of the same name but, in Canada, the protests are centred around a mish-mash of anti-Trudeau issues including the Carbon Tax, pipeline construction, and immigration. The group has been criticized for being rather xenophobic and, in some cases, having ties to far-right groups. The protest convoy headed from Virden—an oil town of 3,300—to Brandon was seemingly focused on the treatment of the oil and gas sector.


The crowd Wright was giving a talk to. Photo via YouTube screenshot.

While the Yellow Vests in attendance loved Wright’s comments, his colleagues in Virden city council voted to censure the mayor last week. Wright for his part said that “my remarks were strictly my own but they were not correct and not used in the right context.” The mayor went on to promise that he would never pull a stunt like this again and in fact urged the councillors to vote for the motion censuring him.

And for those of you wondering and are going to write me emails being like: WELL, THIS JUST PROVES THAT IT’S THE RIGHT WHO ARE CENSORED FOR FREE SPEECH, TURDUMB IS A TRAITOR AND YOUR DAD NEVER LOVED YOU—censured is not censored, they are different words. Censured is a reprimand that just shows disapproval by the council and really nothing else.

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