This story is over 5 years old.

Donald Trump

Twitter is Having a Cow Making Fun of Trump's 'Local Milk People' Quote

The president used the phrase in a call to the Australian prime minister, and nobody really knows what it means.

This morning, The Washington Post got its hands on month's-old transcripts of two of newly minted President Trump's phone conversation with other world leaders -- Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. The calls were made when Trump was just about a week into his tenure as Commander-in-Chief. Trump's brash approach to telephone diplomacy with Nieto and Turnbull made headlines at the time over concerns that his blowhard tactics on the campaign trail wouldn't change now that he's in the Oval Office. Six months later, and it's no surprise that Trump will likely never change.


But what is surprising is the way Trump's transcribed conversation went off the rails with Turnbull, particularly in the way the president categorized local dairy farmers when talking about a deal where the US would accept refugees from Australia.

Have a look for yourself:

Mr. President, do you mean local dairy farmers, or what? (Photo via The Washington Post)

Local milk people? This puzzling phrase could just be one of Trump's attempts at the "I'm just a regular Joe" language that got him the job as leader of the free world, or the not-quite-right word combo could be a straight-up disturbing look into what makes the president tick.

But as it usually does, the internet didn't stop to figure that out. Instead, people took to the president's favorite social media soapbox -- Twitter -- to attempt to define "local milk people" by meme-ifying it in the way the internet knows how.

Here are some of the best examples.

Let us know what you think of Trump's "local milk people" quote and tweet at us over here: @viceimpact. Or send a strongly worded (but milky) email to