This story is over 5 years old.


73-Year-Old BASE Jumper Dies After Intentionally Torching his Parachute

James E. Hickey was a 73 year-old BASE jumper who died after lighting his parachute on fire during a 500 foot jump.

James E. Hickey was a 73-year-old BASE jumper from California who was in Twin Falls, Idaho attempting to jump off a 500-foot bridge, light his parachute on fire, and then deploy a secondary chute to safely land. The parachute immediately lit up in a ball of fire, and Hickey was apparently unable to deploy the backup parachute. The coroner's report listed the cause of death as blunt force trauma.

A local pro BASE jumper, Sean Chuma, told the Twins Falls Times-News that Hickey was attempting a stunt that he had performed while skydiving before, which sounds even more insane.

When the stunt is done from a plane, a second person throws a flaming tennis ball to ignite the first chute, Chuma said. Fire accelerants are frequently used.

73 is not a bad run, especially when you've done something like this at least twice, but it is all very crazy and very sad.