This story is over 5 years old.


Crush on and Then Fall in Love with Geowulf's "Won't Look Back"

Like the heat of the summer, it speaks toward fun and future adventures.

Remember the one golden summer where alternative music solely consisted of heat-haze visuals and reverbed to heaven tracks from groups like Wild Nothing and Washed Out? That shit is over now but there's always room for more music evoking the sensual feeling of the planet's best season. Take, for example, the latest track from Geowulf, called "Won't Look Back".

Coming off the back of a beautiful 2016 – where the group racked up 4 million plays off Spotify – the track doesn't strictly fit into the chillwave category but there is a similar, nature-like atmosphere and sense of arresting yet fragile sonics. Basically: it's the sort of shit you want to hear poolside, first thing in the morning when the early rays of sun start to make the pavements outside smell weird, or when you're starting to develop some kind of strange crush – which makes sense, given that Star, the group's singer, says the song is about "about trying to look forward and deciding to be excited about what might be next". Soak it all up below…

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Header photo by Tex Bishop.