The VICE Morning Bulletin


This story is over 5 years old.


The VICE Morning Bulletin

This morning, Bernie Sanders has a weed plan, police claim a man they chased shot himself in the face, Facebook scraps the "Other" folder, and more.

Here is everything you need to know about the world this morning, curated by VICE.

US News

  • Sanders Has a Marijuana Plan
    Bernie Sanders wants to remove marijuana from the federal government's list of dangerous drugs, freeing states to legalize weed. Sanders' plan would mean people using marijuana in those states would no longer be at risk of federal prosecution. —The Washington Post

  • Police Claim Man Shot Himself
    Authorities say a man from Ferguson, Missouri shot himself in the face after a foot chase with police. But people claiming to have witnessed the incident have taken to social media to challenge the official story. —VICE News


  • Navies Will Teleconference
    US and Chinese Navy chiefs are to hold talks today in a bid to defuse tensions after a US warship sailed through disputed waters in the South China Sea. The chief of naval operations and his Chinese equivalent will hold a video teleconference. —Reuters

  • Surveillance Blimp Escapes
    The US military lost control of a giant surveillance blimp, one of two it uses to watch the East Coast. It came loose in Maryland and landed in Pennsylvania, but not before it destroyed power lines and cut electricity to 35,000 people. —The Baltimore Sun

International News

  • North Korea Sends Laborers Overseas
    The UN believes Kim Jong Un's regime is making billions of dollars a year from 50,000 citizens sent abroad to work in forced labor conditions. Working up to 20-hour days, earnings go back to the North Korean government. —BBC

  • Migrant Boat Capsizes
    The Greek coastguard rescued 242 people after a wooden boat capsized in the Aegean Sea, but at least 11 of the migrants died in the shipwreck. Fishing boats helped ferry survivors to the island of Lesbos. —AP

  • Asian Haze a "Crime Against Humanity"
    The haze covering large parts of Southeast Asia in thick smoke has been described as a "crime against humanity" by Indonesia's climate agency. The haze is caused by Indonesian farmers burning land for pulp and palm oil production. —CNN

  • Female President in Nepal
    Nepal has elected its first female president: women's rights campaigner Bidhya Devi Bhandari. She is the vice-chair of the ruling Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist Leninist), and a close ally of the country's Prime Minister. —The Sydney Morning Herald


Everything Else

  • Facebook Kills 'Other' Inbox
    The company is getting rid of the "other" inbox folder, that repository for spam and creepy, unsolicited messages. Instead, Facebook will create a "message requests feature" so users can accept or ignore messages without the sender knowing. —CNN
  • Tasting the Snowball Moon
    The Cassini probe has dived through the ocean spray of Enceladus, Saturn's icy moon. The Nasa craft swept just 50km above the snowball moon's surface to "taste" the chemistry of water jets. —BBC

  • Another GOP Goat Rodeo
    Last night's Republican set-piece on CNBC was a chaotic mess. Here's everything worth knowing about the debate from hell. —VICE

  • The 21st Century Witches
    Society might not burn them at the stake any more, but that doesn't mean life's easy for witches today. People of pagan designations tell us what it's like to come out of the broom closet. —Broadly

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