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Ones and Zeros: Google+ Is For Suburban Parents

h3. One: Metered pricing woes in "an 1886 New York Times editorial": (Ars): h4. *The greedy and extortionate nature of the telephone monopoly is...

One: Metered pricing woes in an 1886 New York Times editorial (Ars):

The greedy and extortionate nature of the telephone monopoly is notorious. Controlling a means of communication which has now become indispensable to the business and social life of the country, the company takes advantage of the public’s need to force from it every year an extortionate tribute.

Zero: Thirteen percent of cell phone owners pretend to be on their phones to avoid human interaction (Digital Trends)

One: Google+ is for suburban parents (Geekwire):

In short, according to the firm's data, Google+ seems to be falling out of favor among the "colleges and cafes" crowd, generally younger people without children. However, it's seeing an increase in interest from the "kids and cabernet" segment — defined as "prosperous, middle-aged married couples living child-focused lives in affluent suburbs." That's a group that hasn't embraced Facebook as much as the rest of the population, according to the Experian Hitwise data.

Zero: The S&P thinks Google fucked up, but Google should buy another big phone company (Atlantic Wire, Forbes)

One: Wondering what it means that London rioters have left bookstores untouched (Atlantic Wire)

Zero: Martin Sheen for President of Ireland (Frank DiGiaocomo)

One: There is an app for tracking the person who took your phone that you can install remotely (Ars)

Zero: People who travel a lot are fat (WSJ)

One: 58,000 online students simply isn’t enough people to prepare for the robot invasion (Tierney)