This story is over 5 years old.


Coming Soon: "The Thorium Dream"

The idea to use thorium as a nuclear fuel is at least fifty years in the making, and if the Internet is any indication, it's one whose time has come. Our documentary about thorium, which is only a few months in the making, is almost here too. In fact...

The idea to use thorium as a nuclear fuel is at least fifty years in the making, and if the Internet is any indication, it’s one whose time has come. Our documentary about thorium, which is only a few months in the making, is almost here too. In fact, it premieres on Motherboard tomorrow. For now, aim your Geiger counters at this trailer and this blurb – and tell your friend who hasn’t yet heard of thorium, or the one who is always bringing it up at parties.


The Thorium Dream explores the grassroots movement in the United States behind the element thorium, which some believe could forever end our energy and resource problems — and the powerful forces that want to keep it buried in the garbage can of history.