This story is over 5 years old.


RECENT HISTORY: The Week We All Had Dreams of Thorium

_Each week, Motherboard turns back to examine its recent history._ * Coming soon to a _The New York Times_ Style section near you: "selling experiences online":

Each week, Motherboard turns back to examine its recent history.

  • President Obama, perhaps understanding something, if only briefly, about the people that helped elect him, killed the Keystone XL pipeline. Deal-with-it-dog all over fucking Rick Perry, whose state, Texas, loses.

  • We nearly got hit by an asteroid that had zero chance of hitting us. (Just look what you can do with words!)

  • Oh, OH, OH. Here’s this other little thing that happened: Motherboard long-awaited Thorium documentary was finally birthed onto the internet’s wholly unsanitary delivery room floor. (That’s how birthings work, isn’t it?)

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