This story is over 5 years old.


RECENT HISTORY: The Week We Finally Checked Out the Local Credit Union

_Each week, Motherboard turns back to examine its recent history._ "Awesome news": for Russian shipping companies is...

Each week, Motherboard turns back to examine its recent history.

  • Awesome news for Russian shipping companies is brutal news for polar bears, who have about 90 years or less to evolve into normal bears before the Arctic melts completely.

  • Steve Jobs, RIP, was the best ever at making technology beautiful. Motherboard explained why that's a bad thing.

  • It's pretty fast, maybe faster than light even—but what's a neutrino anyway? Motherboard explained in a new edition of Primer.

  • We travelled deep into Occupy Wall Street's other battlefield: information.

  • How the world actually ends: cold nothingness. Some guys won a Nobel prize for figuring that out.

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