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ONES AND ZEROS: Facebook Christian Rock, IPO OGs, iPod Watches Are Getting Out of Hand

"Ones and Zeros": is Motherboard's weekly investigation into the strange particle accelerator that is the internet.

0. Don’t invest in higher education, invest in Mark Zuckerberg

The mania, it’s contagious, it’s dangerous, and now it’s just plain idiotic:

Jim Supple was driving with his (11 year old) daughter Jade last autumn, when she turned to him and said, “Daddy, can I buy some of the Facebook company?” Mr. Supple, 47, had been teaching Jade about investing in the stock market for years. He started putting money for her in stocks like eBay and Disney when she was a baby. But the request still took him aback. “How do you know about buying Facebook?” he asked.


“I saw in the news that they were going to be selling parts of the company,” she responded. “Can we buy some?” Since then, Mr. Supple has been trying to find a way to take $25,000 he has saved for her college fund and purchase Facebook stock. “She doesn’t need this money for another eight years,” says Mr. Supple. “If it goes the Google route, I’ll be in good shape.”

Meanwhile, the smart money, including Goldman Sachs, PayPay founder Peter Thiel, and that Russian dude Yuri Milner, is fleeing the scene. Whatever, that whole “college” thing is a bubble anyway (at least according to Mark Cuban), right?

1. A Christian rock song for Facebook:

“Facebook — thanks for all the things you do / For the speed and ease in which I can connect with the crew / Always staying cool.”

0. Your Klout score

Apparently people aren’t getting jobs now because their Klout score sucks. One more thing to not worry about.

1. Vintage IPO all stars

You can sort of tell one’s going to be a giant asshole and who’s going to be a world humanitarian. Jobs is channeling evil Charlie Sheen here like crazy.

0. Brogrammers

Inevitable, I suppose. Still, some are calling it an urban legend. Spot one in the wild? Send us your pics.

1. Swanky geek pads

It’s a good time to be working in Silicon Alley, from the looks of it. Just make sure you’ve got a comfy speedo for when the whole thing pops all over you.

0. A strapless iPod watch

Body mod aficionado Dave Hurnan attached a Nano to his wrist because he “thought it would be cool.” Presumably there is a snooze-button-less alarm that wakes you up just in time for the singularity.

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Ones and Zeros is Motherboard’s weekly investigation into the particle accelerator that is the internet. Ones, you'll come to expect, represent what's "good" and zeros, what's "bad." Get more through our Facebook and Twitter. Have a suggestion? Send it to

Top photo by Meredith Chin.