
  • It's Too Quiet: The Eerie Early Morning TV of 9/11

    Fashion Week was just getting underway in New York. George W. Bush went for an early morning jog in Florida. Iraq shot down a Predator drone. The weather was still summer and perfect. Until 8.46 AM, September 11, 2001 was another morning in America.

  • Ones and Zeros: South Korea's Glowing Dogs

    _Hopefully this time around airships won't go down like a lead zeppelin._ h3. ONE: "The future of airships":http://www.txchnologist.com/volumes/aviation/lead-zeppelin-can-airships-overcome-past-disasters-and-rise-again (Txchnologist) h3. ZERO...

  • The Osama Raid is Now a Level in the Video Game Counter-Strike

    Last week, President Obama and his National Security team reportedly got to witness a "live feed" of the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan

  • Biogeographers Found Osama bin Laden Two Years Ago, Sort Of

    Forget about informants and spy satellites and millions in bounty money, implies a recent piece at the journal "Science":http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2011/05/geographers-had-calculated.html?ref=hp, reblogged "lots of places":http://www...

  • How to Prove You Killed Osama bin Laden: a Brain Sample in Boston

    It's not yet been verified, but an ABC News report claims that Osama bin Laden's body was positively identified using not only facial recognition but on an analysis based on DNA from his dead sister's brain, gathered by federal agents when she died of...

  • Where in the World Has Osama Bin Hiding

    The town of Abbottabad, Pakistan, not far from the capitol Islamabad, is a quiet and mild-mannered place befitting of its strong military presence.

  • How the Taliban Thrives in Pakistan: VBS TV

    In a January 2011 trip to Pakistan to produce this report on the recent spike in the region’s violence and bloodshed, Vice's Suroosh Alvi heard over and over again the same sentiment: America’s war on terror is falling flat on its face as the country's...