Watch This Moose Make Some Norwegian Drone Team's Day

Watch This Moose Make Some Norwegian Drone Team’s Day

OK, OK, so they’re seemingly inebriated–and very, very Norwegian. But listen to these guys! Is it possible to be anymore genuinely stoked to have happened upon a lone moose while puttering a small-fry hobby drone around the outskirts of Oslo? Not likely. They’re straight up having a laugh. And it’s great.

I’m unsure whether or not the team launched the drone for the express purpose of pinpointing the beast. More likely it was just being in the right place at the right time during a joy ride. But that’s almost beside the point. The footage, which I suggest viewing in HD, makes a pretty compelling case for using small unmanned surveillance aircraft for animal tracking and natural resource management more generally. It’s a growing sector, most notably throughout Africa to sniff out rhino poachers.

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Of course, I imagine that as skies continue opening up for unmanned systems flown by civilians and government agencies alike, the line between “unobtrusively monitoring” say, a moose, and pestering the thing is going to warrant some real discussion, if the line isn’t already somewhat thin and blurry. “No people, animals, or equipment were hurt during the filming of these recordings,” the video reads.

All Nordic chortling and good vibes aside, imagine a day when a drone monitors a moose that is a drone.  

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Reach Brian at @thebanderson