
Robert Downey Jr. Gave a Cute 7-Year-Old Boy an Iron Man-Like Bionic Arm

​For the even the most robotic of us, it’s hard not to show some kind of emotion watching this.

In this video, the Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr. gives a bionic arm to Alex, a seven-year-old boy who was born with a partially developed right arm.

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Although the bionic arm exhibits Tony Stark-like qualities, it was actually made by Albert Manero, a college student who is much better person than you because he 3D prints bionic limbs and donates them to kids.

Downey Jr. presented the bionic arm to Alex recently and it was filmed for Microsoft’s feel-good “The Collective Project.”

“Each one looks the same,” Alex said, commenting on his bionic arm versus Tony Stark’s. “Actually, yours might be better than mine,” Downey Jr. replies.

Of course he’s right since the actor’s is obviously just a prop. But Alex’s arm is fully functional and only cost $350 to make, which is substantially cheaper than $​40,000 that some prosthetics cost.

“It’s a marriage of robotic technology,” Downey Jr. says at the end. Now if it can just automatically wipe the tear out our eyes.