This story is over 5 years old.


Pornhub Snuck a Testicular Cancer PSA into Its Video Rotation

Charlotte Stokely gives a quick how-to for "lasting life."
​Screengrab: PornHub

​I think it's fair to assume that a large portion of PornHub's audience has their hands somewhere in the vicinity of their genitals while browsing the site. So in honor of testicular cancer awareness m​onth, PornHub decided to take advantage of that fact and covertly teach a few guys how to do a testicular self-exam.

In a video titled "Charlotte Stokely teaches you how​ to last longer," (potentially NSFW) the porn actress coos "Do you want to know the secret to lasting longer? I'll show you," while lounging on a bed holding a dildo. Stokely then walks the viewer through the steps to performing a testicular self exam as recom​mended by the American Cancer Society.

It becomes pretty obvious this is not a guide to sexual stamina when Stokely advises the viewer to "call a specialist in oncology" if they detect any strange lumps or changes in shape, before mentioning a few testicular cancer statistics.

"Early detection will help you last longer… in life," Stokely concludes and the video ends with a link to PornHub's Save the Balls ca​mpaign, which includes more detailed information about cancer detection.

Close to half of all testicular cancer cases are in men aged 20 to 34, accor​ding to the American Cancer Society, and PornHub's audience is pred​ominantly men between the ages of 18 and 34. Some doctors recommend that men do monthly self-exams after puberty, especially considering lumps are usually the earliest sign of a problem. Given the audience and context, dropping a quick self-exam tutorial video on the site (especially one that is a little more visually-interesting than th​e status quo) isn't a bad idea.

So far the video has garnered just 6,392 views, but has received an 80 percent approval rating from its viewers, indicating they seemingly don't mind the occasional health PSA mixed in with their porn… as long as it includes a lingerie-clad porn star stroking a dildo.