
  • The US Monster Islands

    This week, my therapist suggested I should wait to start dating again. I had only been single and sober for a brief period of time, and she thought I should focus on myself before I let new people into my life. I considered following my therapist’s...

  • This Lady Thinks the Center of the Earth Is Hollow and Full of Alien Humanoids

    Upon discovering the theory that the Earth is hollowed out and full of highly evolved alien humanoids, my interest was at an all time high, but when I actually researched this conspiratorial concept further, I discovered its believers make up a huge...

  • Canadian UFO Sightings Have Doubled

    The Canadian Ufology Survey was just released and it has revealed some pretty shocking data. The report claims that in 2012 alone, the number of UFO spotting across Canada had doubled from the year before, reaching an all-time high of almost 200...
