The Comics Issue

  • Literary/I Want My DVDs

    This is a compilation of basically everything Giant’s ever done. Him and Scott Campbell from Saved are the best sources for tattoo ideas in the whole world. There, I said it.

  • Vice Comics

    The "Expert"

  • Ben Cho

    This is a group of 16-year-old quadruplets that I know. They were born and raised in Williamsburg, where they go to a private school.

  • Vice Comics

    Zoom Town Bloos.

  • Vice Comics

    Girl Mountain.

  • Black Ships Ate This Guy

    The bonafide masterpiece of a new record by goth folk hero Current 93 (a.k.a. David Tibet) is about black ships flying in the sky, the return of Christ, and the Antichrist (in the form of Cæsar) battling for control of the universe.