speculative fiction

  • ​Like a Sea Cucumber

    My avatar looked sharper all the time. Smoother motion algorithms, deeper skin fractals, heavier AI. Somewhere in the cloud, his huge, artificially intelligent personality was slyly crunching.


    Ready player go: You are Homunculoid, formed of spit and clay. Your objective is to become an Entity of Means and Privilege. Gameplay is, of course, completely random.

  • Melioration

    Queers Destroy Science Fiction! is a brand new anthology of all-LGBT sci-fi. Here's a taste.

  • ​Flesh For Trade

    As sex robots become increasingly realistic and affordable, what will happen to the world of prostitution?

  • The Dragon and the Martian

    When we have the power to create synthetic organisms, do we revive the demons of the dying Earth, or do we spawn new forms of life to seed a barren Mars?

  • Headshot

    In Afghanistan in the not-too-distant future, US soldiers share their headsets and POV with spectators from back home. In order to get authorization to fire, all they need is enough upvotes.