
  • Why The Tevatron Will Never Die: Q&A

    Fermilab's Tevatron collider will power down this afternoon after nearly three decades of subatomic particle collisions.

  • CHILL OUT THE INTERNET: Jaron Lanier Interview

    *{From March 15, 2010}* For a white guy with dreads, Jaron Lanier is extremely productive. In the 1980s he coined the term “virtual reality” and among other things, established the idea of online personas through the use of avatars. The Encyclopaedia...

  • Space Is Whatever: A Suicidal Astronaut Photoshoot

    I’m a sucker for costumes. I must have six bins full of them that I’ve collected over the years on November 1st, when they get marked down 80 percent. (The Klu Klux Klan outfit from the Big Brother White Issue is hard to explain to people. I’ve been...