
  • Parallel Universes Colliding Could Explain Quantum Weirdness

    All that quantum behavior? Actually the result of different, parallel worlds smashing into each other.

  • Can Time Just Stop?

    What if instead of a bang or whimper, the universe simply grinds to a halt? It's a real if highly speculative idea. It might not even be that much more unlikely than all of the other end-times scenarios you've heard about: grey goo, asteroid collision...

  • One GIF To Explain the Multiverse of the Microscopic

    Even if cosmic multiverse theories turn out to be bunk -- probably not -- it's worth considering that we live in at least a few multiverses already. You might say that the narrow band of visible light that allows the set of things we can see with our...

  • A Lead In The Search For A Multiverse

    The theory that our universe isn't limitless, but is actually contained within a celestial bubble that bounces off of other universal bubbles in a "multiverse":, has gained...
