
  • Smart Drugs and Cybernetics Are Creating a Superhuman Workforce

    Imagine becoming superhuman. Or, at the very least, becoming superhumanly good at your job. Imagine a drug that would give you total focus, total composure, genius-level clarity of thought, and the ability to stay up and in the zone for two days...

  • How Smart Drugs and Cybernetics Could Create a Superhuman Workforce

    Imagine that those technologies used by the military to augment soldiers are turning you into a super-worker capable of moving ahead in your profession, and up the career ladder with beyond-human, almost Übermenschen abilities.

  • The Smartphone of the Future Is You

    "Cyborg" is a fluid term. It just means a biological something that's boosted by artificial enhancements of some kind, electronic or mechanical or robotic. So, the kid with the "3D printed exoskeleton":