  • How the Justice Department Keeps Its Cell Phone Snooping a Secret

    The full details of how police departments in the US are using military-grade surveillance technology—often without warrants—are being blocked from release by an aggressive effort from the federal government and the corporation that sells the devices.

  • The Crumbling Ruins of Sarajevo's 1984 Winter Olympics

    I come to the ruins of the winners' podium. "This is where skiers were presented with their medals after winning events in the 1984 Olympics," Tanya tells me. "It was also the exact spot where the Bosnian army executed many prisoners during the war...

  • What the Hell Happened to Apple's Advertising?

    Last week marked the 30th anniversary of “1984,” the Orwellian commercial that introduced the Mac computer to the world. It started the grand American tradition of spending staggering amounts of money on Super Bowl ads, a custom that will be carried on...