Lara Heintz

Lara Heintz

  • The Defense Department Wants to Take Back the Internet

    When the US Department of Defense created the infant network in the late 1950's that that would later become the mega web of cyberspace that we inhabit today, they envisioned it as a useful tool for the government to share information across small...

  • When You're Holding a Gun, Everyone Is Holding a Gun

    Guns may not kill people, but they can certainly affect the people who do.

  • NASA Shines New Light on the Brightest Explosions in the Universe

    It may look embryonic, but the type "1A Supernova": is anything but, with the exception that it involves a concentrated amount of energy with the potential for generative creation. Unlike...

  • Why Plants Are Blooming Early This Year

    It's been an unseasonably warm spring this year. People walking down my street in cutoffs and sitting out on patios, soaking up some rays, has happened more often in the past week than I ever remember happening in the month of March. The flower box...

  • We've Finally Built a Robot to Imitate Slime

    Someday people are going to look back at the dawning of the 21st century and think of it as the dark ages, when we were building a robot to replace every living, breathing thing. The latest, and possibly grossest, bio-replicant comes in the form of...

  • Thanks to Oil Sands Mining, Alberta's Wetlands Will Soon be Gone

    It's been a "big couple of weeks": for wetlands, one of Earth's most important ecosystems when it comes to keeping our waterways healthy, reducing carbon emissions, and overall keeping our...

  • Behold Ye! Einstein Declared the Winner of the Quantum Feud After 80 Years

    Scientific history is a gem mine when it comes to feuds of the great minds: "Tesla and Edison":, "Oppenheimer and Teller":

  • Need to Make More Friends? Try Daydreaming

    Remember all those times you've found yourself rudely jarred back to reality after a nice daydream by somebody telling you to "snap out of it" or somebody waving their hand in front of your face like you were some sort of deranged motion detector...

  • Just Because You Want to Freeze-Dry Your Pet Doesn't Mean You're Crazy

    If the idea of Fido propping your door open and greeting you eager eyed from beyond the grave every morning is completely terrifying, you'll have to take it up with the hundreds of pet owners each year who choose to ship their once-alive pets across...

  • Young Coral Polyps Can Seriously Get Down With Themselves

    If you're a non-mature coral polyp living out your young experimental years in the Great Barrier Reef, chances are you're spending your non-calcified life period "trying out different zooxanthellae partners":

  • Need to Find a Hackerspace in Africa? Look on This Map

    h5. ActivSpaces Cameroon, a tech center on Tech Hubs in Africa These days you can crowd-map about anything from "Hurricane Irene": to what you eat for breakfast as long as you either have a...

  • Self-Propelled Robots are Ready to Enter Your Bloodstream

    In the future zapping a blod clot or intravenously administering drugs might be as simple as swallowing a microchip , and quite frankly, from the illustrated looks of things, it sort of resembles a space cruiser. Ada Poon, an assistant professor at...