This story is over 5 years old.


RECENT HISTORY: The Week That We Definitely Did Not Forget

_Each week, Motherboard turns back to examine its recent history._ * Watching the last minutes of TV morning shows before the 9/11 attacks is like watching banality drain from the world. "It's too quiet":

Each week, Motherboard turns back to examine its recent history.

  • Watching the last minutes of TV morning shows before the 9/11 attacks is like watching banality drain from the world. It’s too quiet

  • We considered Juggalos through an evolutionary lens and decided they’re kinda like birds-of-paradise. But more Detroity.

  • The anti-science backlash in a post-Higgs boson world, assuming we don’t find it of course, is going to be wicked gross.

  • Motherboard TV took a ride with Evan Glodell, inventor of both the apocalyptic mumblecore romance genre and the Coatwolf camera.

  • Motherboard’s resident Apollo-era historian reviewed Apollo 18, and its long trail of conspiracy-theory idiocy.

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