This story is over 5 years old.


Brett Phillips' Laugh Is Old McDonald's Entire Farm

Imagine a dying harp seal, but happy and whimsical. That's what the Milwaukee Brewers prospect sounds like.

Twenty-one-year-old Milwaukee prospect Brett Phillips is good at baseball. Like, top 100 prospect, Brewers' center fielder of the future kind of good.

We're not here to talk about that.

What we are here to discuss is his insane laugh, which approximates a poisoned harp seal wheezing out his final gasps—but, you know, with joy and whimsy. Phillips himself has compared it to a goose, a donkey, and a pterodactyl, which is also fair. "Like a mystery box, I never know what is going to come out," he told Yahoo Sports' Tim Brown.

The Brewers, savvy marketers that they are, are keenly aware that a man unleashing a Pandora's box of honking animal sounds is something people want to see, and they graciously delivered it to us. The following is two minutes of Brewers reliever Will Smith reading Phillips a list of mom jokes supplied by his own mother. Objectively speaking, maybe two of them are funny. But Phillips reacts like Hannibal Buress is doing stand-up live in his living room, which makes this the most entertaining two-plus minutes you'll spend all day.
