This story is over 5 years old.


This New Caribou Track Is Mesmerizing and Heart-Shredding

Welcome back to the world, Dan Snaith. It's been an uglier place without Caribou.

Try not to look at the SoundCloud waveform if you can help it. It gives something away, an abrupt shift that occurs after just enough blissed out repetitions and soft ambient-pop shapes (via ambient-techno loops) for a listener to get really deep into themselves. It's all very cool, and pretty, and then the downpour comes.

Dan Snaith's Caribou project has been quiet since 2010's much-adored Swim, in favor of a new house (for lack of a better term) project under the name Daphni. Caribou lives, however, and the new record, Our Love, is due in October. Here's the pitch: "Our Love is probably Caribou's most soulful record to date, chock-full of heartfelt lyrics and organic nature which cuts through bubbling synths and blissful euphoria of their synthetic constructions."