This story is over 5 years old.


Ronaldo Is Now the Same Color as Oompa Loompas

Oh sweet stuff of nightmares.

God only knows what Ronaldo has done to himself, and He will never forgive.

Currently, "the world's best soccer player" is a walking urban legend, the man who ate too many carrots. I mean, seriously. What the hell did he do to himself? Does he really need a fake tan? Is it a fake tan? Does he actually just turn that color naturally? What is a horse shoe? What does a horse shoe do? Are there any horse socks? Is anybody listening to me?


Regardless, the man has been turning the same color as one of Willy Wonka's minions. It's uncanny.

While Photoshopping the masterpiece below, I didn't even have to color correct anything; I just had to use a faded erase tool to blend those Oompa Loompa heads into his thighs.

Seriously. Take a look at these Color Picker screenshots. Here's one from Ronaldo's leg:

And here's one from the Oompa Loompa's head:

It would take a Pantone official to decipher the difference.

Good luck sleeping after that one, kiddies.