This story is over 5 years old.


On Nicki: Warrior Princess, and The Feds Wanting Your Opinion on Sex Work Laws

Sarah Ratchford examines Nicki Minaj's new ass-kicking jam, white women dominating in fashion week (again), and Pussy Riot's public whipping.

VICE News was with Pussy Riot when they were brutally whipped in public.

Apparently, Woman Beating And Horse Whipping Is Russia’s Jam

This video of Cossack militia whipping members of Pussy Riot makes my skin crawl with shame for all of humanity. How is it that we can judge and hate others so ferociously? This happened a mere 30 kilometres away from the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi. I wish people were awarded gold medals in this world for protesting injustices as often as they are for being good at ice skating.


I also wish police would stop abusing women and getting away with it. And I’d like a unicorn, too, please.

Screencap via.

I Don’t Want Sex/Give A Fuck About Your Ex/I Don’t Even Want A Text

And in femme goddesses of the week, can we just talk about this for a second?

Nicki Minaj loses the pink hair and glitter and unleashes a tirade of rage-sharpened verses in this witchy and amazing video for “Lookin Ass Nigga.” I was blown away on my first watch. And second. And third. My man called it “No Scrubs 2014,” but this woman’s power usurps even that, and is quickly ascending to the stuff of feminist and rap legend

Minaj is a queen amongst women for making her emotional self defense public, making her face strong, and turning her bleeding soul into powerful lady-art.

As you were, Nicki. As you were.

Screencap via.

The Feds Want Your Opinion On Sex Work Laws (But Not Really)

Want to have your say on laws governing “prostitution” in Canada? Go fill out this terrible, anonymous little form on the Department of Justice website. I’m sure your point will be taken into careful consideration.

But likely only if you’re in favour of re-criminalization.

The department opened up the option to submit answers to its sort-of loaded questions Monday. One of them reads: “If you support allowing the sale or purchase of sexual services, what limitations should there be, if any, on where or how this can be conducted?” None of them reads: “What are some of the ways in which the laws could help create safe work places for sex workers?”


These forms make me froth at the mouth in a homicidal mania. There’s no accountability, no promise of a response. How many carefully crafted, well-researched little notes have I written into one of these faceless voids, knowing I wouldn’t get a response, but also knowing that it was my only hope?

It’s a sad tactic. There’s not even a hint that an actual human will read your message.

You have until St. Patrick’s Day to fill it out, but if you want your voice to be heard when it comes to sex workers’ rights, this is not the way to do it.

Photo via.

White Women Walking

Fashion Week confirmed this year, yet again, that not only must women be entirely devoid of curves in order to be beautiful; we should also avoid being any shade of brown.

Jezebel crunched the numbers, and while they’re not water tight, per se, it found that 78.69 percent of the models who walked in New York last week were white. How can an entire industry be so stubborn as to ignore the very real and obvious composition of humanity by continuing to shove the same basic white faces down our throats?

Let’s just say that treating entire races as though they are invisible could probably be safely summed up as “racist.” This shit needs to stop.

We should all just wear garbage bags and protest fashion until it stops being racist. It’s long past time to put the full, beautiful rainbow of humans on display, people.
